
Cinna (Me :3)

Diancie (my partner)

Kitty (my sister)

Matcha (my other sister)

Lax (my brother)

Luke (my other brother)

Alt oc's

Toppat Cinna

Toppat Pastel

Cinna The hedgehog

Moonlight pastel

Mega Diancie

Ary Yoshida (Pastel's partner/matcha best friend)

Luka Morvik (Ary's boyfriend/Lax best friend)

Kira lucyna (Kitty's best friend/Cotton's partner)

New oc's

Swap Cinna

Swap Kitty

swap Kira

Cyrus alkas naxaray (new here)

Cinna Espeon

Cube Kitty

Cube Kira

Lost chapter Cyrus

Cat Cyrus

Cat Kira

Laxrus (Lax and Cyrus fusion)

Aryra (Ary and kira's fusion)


Anti Cyrus

Anti Ary

Anti Kira

Lily (Lax's genderbend)

Anti cotton

Cotton (normal)

Anti Lax


Unknown Kira/Corrupted

Anais the Cat

Chira azumi the Bee

Lumy (Sakura's best friend)

Lucky (Luke's genderbend)

Plumine (Good prumine/luke's gf)

Sakura (Good proxmine/samurai Fox)

Mix the rascal (Good maxmine/Preling losky)

Maxal the riskal (Good proxmine/Samurai Orange Cat)

Pink lemon cinna (Carer of honor/leader/polargamer's gf)

Green Apple Cinna (Mixed/youngkaiyt gf)

Prumine laxaray (Musked/proyect last)

Kit (Kitty's genderbend)

Chocolate (Cotton's genderbend)

Max (Cinna's genderbend)

Alska (matcha's genderbend)

[More oc's soon -w-]



Next up

This is what found .w.

My top 5 of favorite charater from super Smash Bros ultimate :3

A new oc of Kitty mixed just shapes and Beats its now back

Hint of the oc: Cube Kitty

The top 3 of charaters of freedom planet :3

game teasers [Warning: This game contains blood and aggressive violence]

My new profile picture :3

Welp guys,i have a daughter,the her name is Sunny the hedgehog

Im a plushie now qwq