As I get older I feel like I'm starting to understand why Tyler has problems with the fnaf community, yeah Tyler is far from perfect but like by the time trtf 4 came out I like to believe he finally matured properly at that time frame. In recent times I've heard of Tyler from others who talk to him describe him as a pretty chill dude & from everything I've seen proves it.
I honestly feel pretty bad for him, since people bring up his past so many times just to make fun of him or make him look like a horrible person. Again, yeah he wasn't perfect back then but he wasn't anything like a blackout (extreme example I know but I can't be bothered to think of a lesser one).
He doesn't even call himself Tyler Ahlström anymore, he literally uses his middle name (Edmund Ahlström). When someone uses their middle name then something is never right, I could be wrong but I once heard he likely did this to distance himself further from fnaf + trtf.
If this is true all I have to say is imagine having to use your middle name because people won't stop making fun of games you made back in 2015, what an absolute joke.
It sucks since the new stuff he's cooking with Kriya Studios looks super promising, unironically can't wait for the road that falls. yeah a lot of people joke about it but I'm genuinely excited to see what he has to offer.

But since this is Tyler we're talking about, it can't be good or interesting. it's gotta be made fun of, due to him making some mistakes in 2015, which was roughly 9 years ago.
anyways enough with me ranting, i'm gonna go work on my projects as usual.
also funni lockjaw image by @thetacoman_