It was supposed to be out before xmas! But there are still a few bugs that need to be taken care of.
Whats coming in the next version?
Its mostly a lot of house keeping for future updates. Unlockable characters have been thrown in along with having the weapon unlocks expanded.
A lot of the levels have been redone to make them a bit more fun to play and more focused.
Terrain is now destructable to a certain degree, which makes stuff so much more satisfying. Also the addition of a flamethrower and enhanced gore.
A lot of the sprites have been redone. The zombies are looking much better.
**Whats still to come?
**There is a ton of stuff that I wanna add in, hopefully in the next update.
Multiplayer and a level editor are on the cards, but we’ll see what happens.
Will let you all know when the next update is available for download! Thanks for all the support and have a happy new year!