This is “My Only”. A new game of mine inspired roughly by “ImScared”. Considering I just made a game inspired from “Lasting”, it made some sort of sense to attempt something more wholesome with some element of puzzle and story mechanics. Given where I was at, I became interested in attempting a game in this style again.
The original concept of “My Only” came from a poem I read online not too long ago. It wasn’t a scary poem, but a dramatic one, and one that I’ve used as a reference in my own poem to help narrate the character throughout the game. As well, I made the decision to attempt a sort of “Choose your own Adventure” game, where certain paths/areas of the game become available to the player if they collect and do certain things. It’ll be a short game, so don’t expect a huge length or variety of paths to come, but there are at least 4 main endings planned for the game so far and a rough length of 10-20 minutes.
Currently, the game is under construction and not available for download. Expect its full release to come in the near future.