A person in heaven praying to Jesus
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Introducing: The NeoTeams!
This is the first time a NeoTeam will be in the NeoDrivers series
You've heard of PaleoTeams, right? Now get ready for the NeoTeams
Just released the Monaco GP episode of PaleoDrivers S1
Fun fact: This is supposed to have references of both Los Quemagomas and Pilotoons' Monaco GP episodes
Just updated my black list
In case you don't know some stuff in that block list, i just made these arrows to inform you on what they're associated with
Goodbye FNF Vs Sonic.EXE Mod, Out of nowhere it was canceled, I Haven't Seen It But I Have Seen It This Morning, More The Mod Was Almost 1 Year, But I'll Never Forget Him...
Image Credits I Used: @TrevorKrafters
Me talking to myself part ??
Read the article because it's really really important
Guess what project i'm gonna work on when it comes to Pride Month this year!
Happy international women day everyone!! :D
Btw if you don't know who they are, they were racing drivers.
And the left one is biological, and the right one is trans
''Sonker BETA'' ou ''BETA hedgehog'' seria uma das primeiras versões do ouriço ciano. beta sonker, não é um deus assim como o sonker PRIME, INFINITE s.K, e etc.. beta sonker seria uma versão do sonker, so que um ''pouco'' mais fraca. do cometa ciano
Just got informed yesterday that this trend has a dark meaning. Is this true?