Level 2 Sneak Peak and Release
The second level of Dead Containment is nearing completion as is planned to be released mid July. The second level takes players onto the city streets at dusk where the outbreak has spread city wide. Players will be blasting the undead away from the open areas on the streets to tight spaces inside shops and apartments. A unique feature of this level is the passage of time. As players progress through the level, the sun will set until the city is plunged into the darkness of the night, as seen in the attached gif.
New enemy types are also introduced to fit the environment of the level such as crawlers and axe wielding firemen. Screenshots of the new level and enemies will be uploaded soon that will show the content update in greater detail.
Level 3 - Police Station
Level 3 has already been planned out and ready to be worked on after the release of level 2 with an expected release date of early September. The level is set in the city's police station with the players trying to find a way to contain the infection.
Planned Features
New features are being worked on simultaneously with the designs of the new levels to bring new gameplay mechanics with upcoming content updates. Features include multiple pathways, controller support, new player weapons and an armoury where players can edit their weapon load out for each level.
Next Patch
The next patch will include revamped weapon and environmental particle effects along with a reworked movement system which should make the camera movement feel smoother while increasing performance on lower end machines and fix events not firing when players are tabbed out.