The Third Layer

3 years ago

A real update



Next up

looking for a coder [someone who knows their stuff]

Detail time (help me)

nothing to really show rn except this placeholder

Hello, it has been a while.

Sadly the coder for the project has had to depart.

I will be creating all of the game’s assets before looking for a new one.

“The man who came back from the dead once again returned within the shadows of people’s minds…”

keep on chugging. Animating a character to walk like this is hard...

coder acquired

still going, just been taking a small bit of time to work on some personal project and person stuff!

Part of why I didn't want to make a game page this soon is bcuz I might have changed things. The models are getting my full effort now. Disregard all old posts.

Doing some finalizations [for real this time] The flesh texture is perfected now.