This might be just me, but since you said you're maybe making small adjustments to the gameplay, could you maybe make the replacement for Captain Feathersword more aggressive? I have beaten nights 5 and 6 multiple times without him moving once. You can just keep stalling him until you need to do something else. It could be just me, but I think he should be a bit more aggressive.

A small suggestion for showman's. (This was dumb don't read it)
Next up
Johnny's design is so freaking good and faithful to Murray. Cannot wait to see the rest of Showman's crew. I can tell this is will be peak, even though we've only seen a few teasers lol.
FIRST S RANK!!! (Also i s ranked tuesday first try)
Was replaying Phobia, and I managed to get the Figure appearing on earlier nights easter egg! Not sure how rare it is, but I do know it's probably one of the more rarer easter eggs. Or maybe it's because I just don't check cam 2 much
I got inspired by phobia long hours and drew the wiggles robots as glamrock robots, I hope you guys like these designs
I have died 100 times
Happy valentine’s day y’all! My valentine is gaygy waygy Who’s your valentine? Oh that’s right… You don’t have one.
The glowup is so insane though...
“Knock, Knock.”
A small theory.