Baxverse All-Stars

10 months ago

A special message from me! Be seeing you at 6.

Baxverse All Stars - Firstman Gameplay Trailer
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Next up

New Stage - Arkansas (CaseOh and the Golden Waffle)

Hey there! A quick announcement about Season 2, so I've come to a BAS related burnout and have decided to split Season 2 into 2 Parts. So I present you the last 3 remaining characters for now: - Leviathan (LH) - Eden (BB) - Amber and Baxter (DBF)

WIP on Level 2!

Bartholomew will be available on January 17th!

Went back and updated the Game Speed in the Cutscenes from 30 to 45 and the FPS in the Gameplay is now 60! Now officially moved to Game Maker Studio 1.4!

HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! White Dog from Lynchburg Heroes will be the next upcoming fighter to join the crossover of Baxverse All-Stars! His blinding speed, razor sharp claws! This Okami is all Bite, no Bark!

New Stage - Timberlake City (Ewersverse)

Tomorrow at 2PM EST, the Premiere of Baxverse All-Stars Season 2 will be released to the Public! You'll see Gunther from the Super Baxter series, Baxter Ewers from the Ewersverse, and a 3rd Surprise Long-Requested Character to join the roster! #baxverse

Wake Up! New FF2 Content Tomorrow!

New Stage - Hazanakonari City