2 years ago
A while ago I promised art and now I've delivered! I have no clue when the next piece will be but whatever. Thoughts?
Next up
Ah yes the intimidating title of GENERAL and the absolute joke that is " cAPtiN oF sWOrDfisH ll"
Bow down to your doggy overlord in all his glory!
Aether is a literal mood rn
Thank you for playing! And thank you for your feedback!
Yes yo-she is...
celebrating fyuus birthday : )
Ahh Gorou's a roleplayer good to know!
Do you wanna know what it feels like?
ENG: Another one gift to @Fnaf_Fangames_200 i hope you like it ^^
SPA: Otro regalito más para @Fnaf_Fangames_200 espero que te guste💚
AH so the Ms. Hina cutout is all MIKO'S FAULT