Hi guys, the "second part" of yesterday's update is now out with the version number 1.1.4. This build fixes all of the bugs that we currently know about and are able to fix.
Non-spoiler fixes:
- Stone will no longer refer to his snow model as a replica of Sara, but instead say that it is of Saffron (which is correct).
- Fixed some clipping issues with players exiting certain shops/inns and getting stuck inside props.
Late-game spoiler fixes:
- The Dig (Battle) description in Manora's Upgrades will now clarify that the item you dig up is also immediately consumed.
- Fixed the "Shortcut" button names. West/Amber is now West/Autumn, and East/Snowy is now East/Winter.
Major spoiler fix:
- The collectible black artifacts during the "Directive" sequence should have fixed layering. They were acting strange in recent updates, appearing behind almost every other object on screen.
Alrighty, I think that's it. Reeeeally hoping that's the final update but let us know if anything else pops up!
- The PA2020 team