Fun Days At The Island Of Treasure
1 year ago

Abandoned By ChinaFun

A parody of Abandoned By Disney.

Some of you (probably not many of you) may have heard that the ChinaFun corporation is responsible for at most one real, “live” Ghost Town.

ChinaFun built the “Island Of Treasure” resort close to Shanghai in China, But It didn’t START as a ghost town! ChinaFun's many sailboats (they apparently couldn’t afford cruise ships, despite having millions of dollars) would actually stop at the Island resort and leave tourists there to relax .. with their large sums of money.

This is a FACT you donut. Look it up.

ChinaFun blew $30,000,000,000,00 on the place… wait.. how much is that.. uh.. it’s ALOTTA money, ok!

Point is ChinaFun abandoned it.

They then came up with the shitty excuse of “oh, the water is too shallow for our ships!” and they even tried blame cast on the workers, but everyone knew it was a lie because… well.. Y’know how hard Asian people work.

That’s where the factual nature of their story ends. It wasn’t because of shallow shores, and it obviously wasn’t because “workers are lazy”. Both are idiotic excuses.

No, I sincerely doubt the excuses they gave me. And you wanna know why I doubt they’re story, Huh? HUH?

Because of “Jungle Mans Temple”.

Close to the border between China And Russia, ChinaFun began construction of “Jungle Mans Temple” in the early 2000's The concept was a Jungle-themed resort with a large, you guessed it, TEMPLE in the center of the whole thing.

If you’re unfamiliar with the character of Jungle Man, then you might better remember the character of Mowgli, From Disney’s hit movie The Jungle Book If you haven’t seen The Jungle Book… Well fuck you then, look it up….. I’ll wait……. You done yet? Good.

Basically, As usual ChinaFun Bootlegged The Jungle Book to hell and back, And built an entire Island Based off of it, They copied everything, the talking animals, the story, .. EVERYTHING.

Jungle Mans Temple was a controversial undertaking from the sta- actually it really wasn’t because very little people actually cared. But like Disney, ChinaFun bought up a ton of high-priced land for the project, Wasting A LOT of money on the project

To cover up the building, ChinaFun told everyone they were simply building a highway. Knowing full well what was going on, people started calling it “Michael Rat Roadway”.

Then there was the concept art. Let’s just say SOMEBODY at ChinaFun released it. Although nobody really cared. They couldn’t exactly try to sell everyone on how lucrative this project was going to be, for obvious reasons. There were some that noticed and were put off by the giant temple surrounded by people in loincloths.

And although there was a little bit of backlash, ChinaFun was able to.. silence.. them pretty quickly, fearing what would happen if Disney found out.

One guy actually tried to storm the ChinaFun building, but he was quickly subdued by security after he managed to break a single pencil over his knee.

And although, as I said, ChinaFun couldn’t really promote Jungle Mans Temple, for fear of a lawsuit from Disney. They did have SOME promotion for it, and it began to gain a very small “following”.

So anyway, The Island Of Treasure, Near Shanghai. ChinaFun sank those millions in and then like a tree, they got the hell outta there. The same thing happened with Jungle Mans Temple.

Construction was complete. Visitors actually showed up. There was fanfare and all that and the usual annoyances associated with an influx of lost, irate and stupid tourists.

Then it all just stopped.

ChinaFun shut it down and nobody knew what the Hell to think. But I’m assuming Disney was pretty happy . Although ChinaFun’s loss was pretty hilarious and wonderful to a small group of folks who didn’t want this in the first place.

I honestly didn’t give the place another thought since hearing it closed over a decade ago. I live maybe six hours from Ruby Hills, so really I only heard the rumblings and didn’t experience any of it first-hand.

Then I read this article from someone who had explored the Island Of Treasure resort and posted a whole blog about all the crazy shit he found there, Stuff abandoned. Things smashed, defaced with crude drawings on them, probably ruined by the peeved tourists ChinaFun managed to piss off.

Hell, the locals from all around probably had a hand in wrecking that place. People there felt just as annoyed about The Island Of Treasure as folks here did about Jungle Mans Temple.

Plus there were rumors that ChinaFun had released their small aquarium “stock” into the local waters when they closed… Including genetically modified piranhas they may or may not have bought offa the dark web.

Who wouldn’t want to take a few swings at some merchandise after that?

Well, what I’m getting at is that this blog about The Island Of Treasure got me thinking. Even though many years had passed since its shut down, I figured it might be cool to do some as I called it “ Super Kewl Funni Haha Urban Exploration” at Jungle Mans Temple. . . Man, I was an idiot when I was younger. Uh.. Anyway I planned to take some photos, write about my experience, and probably see if there was anything I could take home as a memento… oh and get answers.. that’s also part of it.

I’m not going to say I wasted no time actually getting there, because honestly it took me another year after I first found that Island Of Treasure article to work up the GUSTO to actually go up to Ruby Hills

Over the course of that year, I did a lot of research on the Temple resort… or rather, I tried to.

Naturally, no official ChinaFun site or resource was actually active, or even still up for that matter.

This wasn’t that odd, I expected all of the records to be wiped after the lawsuits. What I did find odd, was that nobody before myself had apparently thought to post about the place or even post a photo. not even a Dammed post about it on Fourchan … and trust me.. I looked. though that was to be expected since they had all swung ChinaFun’s way. They wouldn’t be out there lauding their embarrassment, you know?

And corporations can actually ask Google, for example, to remove links from search results… basically for no good reason. Looking back, it’s probably not that nobody spoke of the resort, but rather their words were made inaccessible.

So in the end I could barely find the place. All I had to go on was an old-as-hell map I found in my drunk drawer.

I didn’t really intend to hang onto it. It just got shoved in with my bottle of tonic and a loaded handgun. I’d only remembered it months into my research, and even then it took me another few weeks to locate the damed temple because my GPS tried to drown me in a river!

But I DID find it. Locals were no help, as most were old guys who had moved to the beach in recent years… or older older residents who just sneered at me and made rude gestures the second I managed to say “Ay, were can I find Jungle Mans Te—”

The drive took me through an inordinately short maze of overgrowth. Tropical plants that had run rampant and overpopulated the area mixed with the native species of China’s flora that actually BELONGED there and had tried to reclaim the land.

Honestly when I reached the front gates of the resort I was kind of confused. Tremendous, monolithic stone gates whose supports to either side looked like they came straight out of imperial china The gate itself had been shot multiple times , bullet holes literally all over.

Hanging on the gate was a sheet of metal, some random scrap, with hand-drawn letters carved in black. “ABANDONED BY CHINAFUN”. .. now that I think about it that’s pretty edgy.. I don’t remember the gate being stone, but I expected the bullet holes.

The gates were open enough to walk through, but first I was running low on calories so I had to stop by a local Wendy’s and drive ALL the way back, although I had to tread on foot once I got to the gates, so I grabbed my digital camera, my map and my sandwich and headed inside

The inner grounds of the place were just as overgrown and dank as the entryway. Bamboo plants stood untended and overgrown among rotted Chinese roses mixed with obnoxious tall weeds and stinking, blackened mushrooms…. Man.. they went ham with the Chinese décor here.

All that remained of any outdoor structures were broken, rotting wood and a decaying portrait of what looked like a large pile of ash. What was most likely an information shop (which from what I remember was mis-translated to “geet info son”) was now simply a pile of assorted debris chopped up by past vandalism and ravaged by weather.. At least the bar was intact… somehow.

The most interesting thing on the grounds was a statue of fatso, the bootleg version of Baloo from the Jungle Book, which stood in a sort of courtyard in front of the main building. He was frozen in a uh.. lets just say a very suggestive pose, staring into empty space with a shit eating grin and covered in bird crap, with vines that ensnared his platform.

I approached the main building – the TEMPLE – only to find the outside of the building covered in graffiti and dirt where the original paint hadn’t peeled and chipped away. The front doors weren’t just open, they had been blasted off their hinges and lay in a pile of debris.

Above the front doors, or the gaping maw where they had been, someone had once again painted “ABANDONED BY CHINAFUN.” But now it was misspelled and now read “ABANDON BY CHINAFUN.”

I wish I could tell you about all the awesome stuff I saw inside the Temple. Abandoned statues, abandoned cash registers, a full-fledged secret cult worshipping a God damned bootleg mouse.. but no.

The interior of the building was so barren, so dull, that I actually think people had scraped the paint off the walls and taken it. Anything that was too big to steal… counters, desks, giant cardboard cutouts of the Great Wall Of China… they were all resting amid this hollow chamber of a room that amplified my every step like a slow rat-a-tat of a machine gun... (future me, add a specific type of machine gun)

I pulled up the floorplan to check if there ANYTHING interesting, although I didn’t think there would be.

The kitchen was as you’d imagine… a small outdated food prep area with almost all the appliances and barely any space, no expenses spared. Every glass surface was shattered, every door either dented inwards or blown off its hinges, every metal surface kicked and dented, bullet holes riddled everywhere. The entire place smelled like old piss.. and strangely.. toothpaste.

The huge freezer, even now, somehow still cool, now had row upon row of mostly empty shelves, littered with the occasional roadkill. Meat Hooks hung from the ceiling, for hanging you guessed it, cuts of meat, and as I stood there, I noticed something odd. They were .. spinning?

Each hook spun in a random direction, but their movements were so extreme slow that I barely even noticed it. I figured it had been caused by my footsteps, then I realized that’s not how gravity works. Anyway, I tried stopping one and when I let go it just continued to spin.

The bathrooms were in much the same state as the rest of the place. Just like the Treasure Island resort, someone had methodically smashed each porcelain crapper with what looked like bamboo stalks and other blunt instruments. There was also one of the genetically modified piranhas swimming in a like, two foot sinkhole in the middle of the bathroom

What’s odd is that the toilets and the sinks (and the bidets in the ladies’ room) all dripped, leaked, or just ran freely. Which is odd because I’m sure they would’ve shut the water off long, LONG ago.

There were plenty of rooms in the resort, and although I couldn’t look in all of them (mostly due to sheer uninterest) The few I did peer into were just as wrecked as everything else, and I didn’t actually expect to find anything there, obviously. I thought there was actually a tv or radio in another room, because I heard what I could only describe as a domestic dispute.

It went a bit like this:

1: “I DON’T CARE [incomprehensible]!”

2: (short, angry sounding reply)



1: (various slapping noises followed by weeping)

Yeah, I know that sounds utterly absurd. believe me if you damn well want. And now that I look back, I think there might’ve been something running in that room – or worse, some mutant hobo bit by the probably radioactive wildlife here.

At the front doors of the temple again, I started to worry this was just a big waste of time, I was getting pretty tired of it.

then I looked out the gaping hole were the door was, and spotted something interesting in the courtyard that I had apparently somehow missed. Finally something interesting.

In the courtyard lying on a cracked stone pedestal was a lifelike statue of a polar bear, maybe 8 feet tall at full height, laying on its stomach right in the center of the area, wearing one of those funny Russian hats. It was almost time for the sun to start setting, so the light fell onto the object in the PERFECT way to photograph.

I approached the bear and snapped a photo. Then I stood on some debris and snapped another. I tried to get the best photos I could.. I’m not really a photographer.

Then, slowly, and causally the bear began to get to its feet, looked directly into my eyes, turned, and stalked off the pedestal, across the grass, and into the trees.

Of course though if it tried to attack me I would have knocked it out, but y’know.. good for it that it didn’t.

I don’t really have a explanation for this one to be honest, I mean, ChinaFun does own a small apartment building in Russian. but I didn’t think they were dumb enough to deport a live polar bear all the way to china.

I was dumbfounded, I mean I had every right to be, I probably stood there sta back toward the temple like nothing happened.

It took me a few good sips of whiskey to get myself right in the head again after that.

I looked for a place to sit down, still feeling a bit light headed at this point. Of course, there WAS no place to sit down unless I wanted to recline in the piles of bullet casings and broken glass or sit on a rotted table of questionable stability

I had seen some stairs near the Temples abnormally small lobby and decided to go plop myself down there until I could think straight.

The staircase was a reasonably far distance from the front of the building so it was relatively clean, save for the dust bunnies, I pulled a wedge of metal off the wall, once again painted with the “ABANDONED BY CHINAFUN” bullcrap I’ve become used to seeing. I placed the scrap on the stairs and sat on it to keep at least somewhat clean.

The stairway lead pretty far downward to one of the lower levels. Using my camera flash as a sort of improvised flashlight, I could see that the stair case ended in a crude metal door with a busted padlock on it. An actual sign hung above the door, it read “Empoyems unley, feck off”. Honestly this was the most appropriate thing here.

This got my sprites up a bit, if the lock was still there it’s probable that nobody had broken in to this area, maybe I could finally find some trace of-… dammit, my delete key is stuck!

Anyway It didn’t take much to bust the lock. Time and decay is a bitch, ain’t it. In fact, the lock was so rusted that all I had to do was pull it off – something nobody else had apparently thought to do, or hadn’t been able to do at the time… Dumbasses

The Employees only area was oddly bright, compared to the dingy main area. every second or third fluorescent light overhead was illuminated, and even if they flickered and faded I was still glad I could SEE. Also, even if nothing had been broken or stolen, it was aged and faded.

Tables chairs, more tables and more chairs.. a table.. some more chairs …. Man there were a lot of tables and chairs here.

It was like one of those post-apocalypse movies where everything is left in the state of evacuation.. but it’s only tables and chairs.

As I walked the maze-like sub-sub level hallways of the “empoyems unley” area, the sights just became more and more interesting, or more and more decrepit. As I went further, Desks and metal folding chairs stacked up on top of each other, papers and posters scattered and almost melded with the damp floor, and a large carpet of mold was slowly overtaking the real rotting puke green floor-covering.

Everything was just sort of “squishy”. Anything wood disintegrated whenever I applied even the least amount of damned force, and clothing items hanging on hooks in one of the rooms simply fell to moist threads if I tried to unhook them.

At one point I came to a wooden door. As I tried to open it a voice called out from inside “LEAVE ME ALONE, IM PLAYIN’ EPIC MICHAEL!” .. I didn’t bother trying to pick the lock after that.

One thing that pissed me off was that the light was becoming more sparse and unreliable as I went further into the dark abyss that was this damned facility.

Eventually, I reached a green and red striped door with the words “CHARITINHR PEEP 1” stenciled on it… I think whoever build the door was both color blind and stupid.

The door wouldn’t open at first. this was probably where the bootleg suits were kept. But try as I might, whatever angle or trick I tried, the door wouldn’t budge.

That is, until I gave up and started to walk away. That was when there was a slight popping sound and the door creaked open slowly, then, when I turned to enter is slammed shut, I turn to leave and it opened again, but when I turned it SLAMS SHUT. THIS HAPPENED TEN DAMN TIMES.

When I was FINALLY able to enter the room, it was completely dark. Pitch black. I used the camera flash to look for a light switch in the wall by the door, but there was nothing.

As I made my search, I was definitely not momentarily scared when the lights suddenly flicked on, flickering and fading in and out like the rest I had passed.

It took a second for my eyes to adjust, and it seemed like the light was just going to keep getting brighter and brighter, for a moment I wondered if I found God.. I had not. Eventually though, the lights dimmed and steadied.

The room was exactly as I had pictured it. Various rotted Bootleg suits hung on the walls, fully put together like strange cartoon cadavers hung from invisible noose.

There was an entire rack of loincloths and “native” clothes on hangers toward the back. What a joke

What I found odd, and what I wanted to photograph right away, was a Michael Rodent costume at the center of the room (the bootleg Mickey Mouse). Unlike the other costumes, it was lying on its side in what I could only describe as “the Family Guy death pose”. It’s fur-less cloth covered “skin” peeling and splitting at the seams.

What was even odder, however, was the coloring of the costume. It was like it was.. Inverted. Like somebody just plopped it into Photoshop and hit control I.. Atleast I think that was the key.

The sight was off-putting enough that I actually put off photographing the thing until last.

I took a picture of the costumes hanging on the walls. Trying my best to get good photos in spite of my damned shakey hands … not because I was scared.. I just have shakey hands.

Then I decided to stage a shot. Just one of the decaying character heads on the putrid, damp floor.

I reached for the headpiece of a Angry Goose costume and carefully removed it so the thing wouldn’t fall apart in my hands.

As I looked into the stupid looking face of the moldering head, a loud clattering sound ACTUALLY made me jump with fright.

I looked down at my feet, and there between my shoes was a human skull Covered in what looked not to be blood, but toothpaste. It had fallen out of the mascot head and shattered into pieces at me feet; only the empty face and lower jaw remained, staring up at me.

I dropped the Goose head immediately, as you’d expect, started to run for the door. As I stood in the doorway, I looked back to the skull on the floor.

I had to take a picture of it, I just HAD to, I needed some proof, evidence that I wasn’t going INSANE. Like last time! We don’t talk about last time.

As I went back for the skull thoughts raced through my mind “When did this happen” and “How did it happen”. I could barely think straight, what the FUCK was going on?

That’s when Michael, that wrong, inverted Michael in the middle of the floor, started to get up.

First sitting up, then climbing to its feet, the Michael Rodent costume stood there were it once lay, its fake, strange face just starting directly at me as I mumbled “what, the hell?…” over and over and over…

With (now extremely) shaking hands, a violently thrashing heart, and the thoughts still swimming through my mind, I managed to lift the camera and aim it at that.. THING now staring me down

The digital camera’s screen displayed only dead pixels in the shape of the thing. Then it started to glitch, it’s screen displaying all kinds of strange colors.

Then the camera died. Went blank and quiet and… broken.

I raised my eyes once again to the Michael Rodent costume.

“Hey,” it said in a hushed, perverted awful attempt at a Mickey Mouse voice, “Wanna see my cock come off?”

Then it started to unzip its pants, I turned away just in time to miss.. it, and as I turned back all I could see is the rat costume, split in the middle, what looked to be toothpaste streaming out of the gap


I turned away again, all I could hear was the tearing of rotting fabric, and the thick wet sloshed of what I assumed (and hoped) to be the toothpaste. I raced for the door, as I did I noticed something scrawled just above the doorframe in what I also hoped was toothpaste.


I never got the pictures out of the camera. I never wrote the blog entry about it. After I ran from that place, fled for my sanity. I didn’t find a lot of answers there, but I know one thing, I’m never going anywhere near ChinaFun ever again.

Besides, I’m not affiliated with them.

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Together again - Basil & Rose

September 15, 2011

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Happy Estur