Fredbear's Fright
7 years ago

About Android Builds and Gameplay (Warning: Lots of text)

Alright, it’s been nearly 5 months since I’ve made a devlog about FredBear’s Fright; the game itself. It’s about time for an update on things in general.

So, many have been asking about an Android version of the game. Unfortunately, I do not currently have the tools available to make an export for it, not to mention that the main game is most likely too large for Android devices to handle. The exporter for Android is $100 right now, but I don’t have the funds to purchase it at the moment. Maybe I’ll catch it for a good price during the next steam sale, who knows! By the way, there is a fake FredBear’s Fright game for Android on Google Play. It’s just a scam app that plays ads. It even has 500,000+ downloads, possibly even a million! That’s the most ridiculous part. Also, if I was able to make the Android version, I may as well just re-design the game-play to make the game more simplistic, maybe even with better endings!

In short, the Android version isn’t completely out of the question.

Also, another thing I would like to discuss is the game-play of this game and the future of my games. When I made this game, I had no intentions of it getting as much attention as it did, even getting the attention of some of my favorite Youtubers. That was awesome, but that meant that what I had designed for the game may cause major disappointment (In terms of game-play). You also have to remember what experience in game design I have had, with the example being FredBear and Friends: Out of the Machine. That was my first game, which got a small following and people generally thought the game was pretty cool. Fast forward a few months to when I was working on FredBear’s Fright, my only criticisms were that graphics could be improved and that the game was buggy. So I made sure that FredBear’s Fright had little to no bugs and had decent graphics. Something happened while making this game that made it gain a LOT of attention. Maybe I hit a good spot on teasing the game. As someone who had made a game with a following of about 200 people at this point, getting 1,000+ followers was absolutely insane. The problem here was that I had designed the game to be like the original FNaF for story reasons/having inexperience in designing a large game. I had considered this game to be more of a “Practice game” for future games. You know, figuring out how to write a story, improve graphics, write code, etc. Fast forward again to the days up until release. A LOT of hype was built up for the game and I wasn’t even done making the night 5 segment. At this point, I began to realize that I goofed up really badly. The only thing I felt good about was the graphics and story. Other than that, it was pretty bad. Seeing Dawko and others disappointed at the game was terrible. At some points they would say “Hey, that was pretty cool!” like at the first ending, where it is revealed that you wake up as phone guy and end up in the back room. However, they didn’t seem to have a good time playing the main game-play due to its insane difficulty and poor mechanics. This caused my reputation to fall to a great degree. Even when commenting somewhere on an unrelated topic months after the release, I would get replies about how some were disappointed about the game.

So here we are now, 5 months after it has been released. What have I learned? I’ve learned to not over-hype games, make them fairly original in terms of game-play, and to only make a release date when you are SURE that the game is ready. I’m going to try making the next game worth the wait and potential hype.

Anyways, thanks for reading this extremely long post!




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Don't Move.

Project Update - February 2025

Hello . . .

Stand Back

A Bite at Freddy's has been released

He's watching.

A Bite at Freddy's - One Year Later