About my new game:
Supporting "Erik no densetsu" is also to help me to stay on track and to continue working on my biggest project (you can see gifs attached)
Next up
About my most ambitious project "Across the demon realm":
Update of the 27 February 2020: Now this is the playable Demo I just uploaded (Playable until the first Boss).
Please visit the campaign of THE REVENGE OF TARA on Kickstarter :
Ordak work in progress "select a Skill" screen. (you can try a different one each time you begin to play) 7 differents at this time.
The final version of GHOULS UNDERGROUND is now on Steam!
Please visit the campaign of THE REVENGE OF TARA on Kickstarter:
Breaking news: The final version of GHOULS UNDERGROUND is now on Steam!
To support"Ninjas and priestess" actually on kickstarter is also to support my next adventure/action game with extremely gore fighting you can see into "Updates" of the kickstarter campaign of
Boss 2 Satan and his giant Mecha: