I felt the need to make this post to warn everybody and show you the hacker's trick into getting people's account.
First, they send you a message through an account they already hacked before. An account that you have as a friend on discord. Just like this:

That's how they start the conversation. they ask you if someone was using your discord other than you. So, you respond "No" Then after you respond they send you this message:

"If you receive a message like this, don't worry. It's fake!"
They tell you that they "accidentally" reported your account for fraud activity because they got confused with the real person's account who they were supposed to report because you both had similar pfp. Then they tell you that they tried to speak to discord to stop the report but discord won't listen to them and that it's too late to stop the report off your account. This is all to make you panic after you tell them "what should I do to stop or solve this?" they sends this:

Then, they tell you to contact the guy on discord with a discord ID "support.something" to make you believe it's real, discord employee who would help you remove that fraud report from your account, and that person is the hacker themselves. Although, what got me to believe this is that their profile looked so convincing and they send you a fake CV to trick you more into believing them, and since I had little information about discord I believed them to be a real discord employee. The thing is, they don't ask you for any personal information like passwords or credit card info until they let you log off your account for ensuring "that you are the actually owner of the account" as he says, Then after tricking you to do so, they take control of your account and somehow they managed to sign in into my Gmail, they change your discord email so you can't change password or receive any emails on your regarding your discord account. then they make you create a new account and from that account they being asking for stuff like Gmail password and credit card info to "ensuring your card and Gmail wasn't used for fraud actively" he says. That's when I caught him, a discord employee would never ask for your information so openly like that, since I had no credit card info saved in my Gmail nor discord they began sending messages to other people I friend on discord using my account to trick them the same way he tricked me. So, I blocked the hacker from the second account, reported his profile to discord and reported to discord about my stolen account and a day later the hacker's profile was banned and I recovered my account back. Then, I checked my Gmail to ensure the hacker didn't steal any passwords or anything important, though, they did nothing of that. their goal is to steal your credit card info.
This was truly a stupid mistake on my part, but he was so convincing I truly believed him that's why I made this post, to warn everyone not to fall into this mistake the way I did. and also, real discord employee's don't ask for your information nor contact you directly on DMs. And, if so happened, real discord employees have official badges to their names that verifies them just like these:

The "official" badge beside their name in the DMs list and,

they have that wrench badge in their bio beside their username when you click on it, it says "Discord staff".
If anyone sends you a message telling you their a discord employee and they do not have those badges on their profile nor bio then do NOT trust that profile and block them immediately.
and if you ever receive a message like this from an account you has as a friend on discord:

Then block that account immediately, because they were hacked.
Sorry for the long post, but I needed to make this post to warn you guys if you got in the same situation as me. I hope I was able to spread the message perfectly to you. Please keep your accounts safe and don't trust anyone so easily without ensuring their real verifications. If you would like to share this post to help speared this warning then do as you please.
Stay safe out there!
Sorry for any English mistakes if their is.