4 years ago

About what is happening

The game isn't canceled, it was frozen for a long time. But at the moment, it's not frozen anymore. Something is comming, well, maybe, not soon though. But i think you'll have a demo in this year... maybe.

1 comment


Next up

One problem gets fixed -- two others appear. But we're getting there.

Before you ask! No, this isn't gonna be playable. Fuck you.

Spoilers from new room don't look at the candies)

Спойлеры из новой комнаты несмотрите на стойку с конфетами)

Holy Jesus-

It's a shame you can't quote posts but this is basically in reference to the previous post

no way is that an outertale reference

Read previos post pls


Are these sprites good?

Dont use them)

The most satisfying poll I have ever seen (the game: