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I couldn't resist releasing an early build. You can download it today!
Hello everyone! Today I realised alpha version of "Hollow". It will be nice if you test this.
Good day to you.
Hi! It's been a while since I've released updates. There were just urgent matters. But soon, perhaps at the end of next week, the alpha 0.1.9 update will be released. I would like to release a mini-update 0.1.75, but I don't want to. Have a nice day!
Hollow alpha 0.1.7 is realised!
-Little change UI;
-You can use furnace for melt stones into metal;
- You can heal/feed your mercenaries;
-Add new decorations: mineral, spruce;
- Wanderer 4th ability spawn scrolls of knowledge(with some chance);
Among the old developments, I found this miracle. I don't know why, but it made me shed tears of nostalgia. I'll leave it here.
More info here:
Hollow a_0.1.8 is realised!
-Little UI changes;
-Add new mob - Slime;
- Now you can use Stone quarry to brake stones;
-And something more...
I'm back...
Hello! Hollow a_0.1.85 realised!
-Add items;
-Add Storage(press T to open);
-Some changes in mechanics;
-Rework UI;
-2 new musics;
- Map size now is - 50x50;
Sorry for long silence. I'll try to update to 1.9 to end of this year. Hope u'll joy this patch;
Hello everyone! I realised alpha version of "Hollow". It will be nice if you test this.
Good day to you.
Meet the new version of Hollow (alpha 0.1.5).
-Add new mobs (wolf, bear, zombie, ghost)
-Seeds on the bed don't growing at night anymore
-Mill(4 lvl) -watered beds, and harvest them.
-Rework Wanderer 1st ability -Interface has little updated.