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Chapter 2 Sneak Peek!
Chapter 2 of Obsidian Prince has just released with tons of new content, QoL improvements and 3 new classes to try out.
I've added an ascension mode to Obsidian Prince. This makes each game session faster with a more smoothly increasing difficulty level. Ascension 9 is HARD though! :) Community to far enjoys it more than then the previous endless mode.
Working on the overworld. Here is the fog of war transition. What do you think?
It's take your puppy to work day for our heroes! We've just released a new patch.
The full version of Obsidian Prince is now live on Steam. It has a ton of QoL features added since chapter 2 as well as a lot of content added with the final chapter.
I love AOE builds that goes BOOM!
For all the pet rock- lovers out there! <3
Obsidian Prince is in EA :o It's been a wild 2 weeks since we launched. Now we're working on adding more content and polishing the experience with feedback from the community.
We've added magical items to Obsidian Prince. Now loot is even more exciting! #roguelike #turnbased #rpg