Space Simulation and Planetarium

2 years ago

Added Dirty Lens. Its the Circles that you can see in the Picture. Works only If Bloom Effect is on!



Next up

(01.07.2023) Added a new Star System Type!

First Picture: Implemented Black Holes. You can see in the Details, how many Black Holes the Star System have. 20% change with one Black Hole, 3% with 2 and 0.5% with 3. Second Picture: Also this can maybe a bit annoying, but I will go continue later.

Just wait for more details...

Octree in Planetarium for better spawning System.

(21.04.2023) Working on Shadows Rendering, so you can see Star Eclipse on the Planet.

(29.04.2023) This Screenshot was tooken in Game. Just pressing F2 on your Keyboard.

Improving Black Holes (WIP)

Volumetric Galaxies! It´s not Raymarch btw..

(07.07.2023) Volumetric Accretion Disk are maybe back!

(02.05.2023) The Update is getting even more bigger! Improved Volumetric Nebulas! I made a video about it:

Also Credits are in the Video Description or here:

Thanks to Duke for making this thing!