LISA: Vegaful in Hopeful
2 years ago

Addendum to 1.2

Paul will no longer lock you out of Vega's normal dialogue routine, so he won't block access to the Wallyburger Hat (and Aussie by extension).

Fixed some visual issues with the beginning of the Gary ending.

Paul can no longer be recruited in the last area on the Gary route while bringing Yogurt with you.

Added a hint on how to recruit Fardy in game. His recruitment method is meant to be a bit obtuse, so you might still miss it, but it's better than nothing.

You now no longer get the Divine Driftwood on non-Jerry routes (there's still a reward in the same spot, but you used to get both).

Nerfed The Gary Route's Fire Blow and weakened Fardy slightly. I doubt these are super game changing, but it's something small for now.



Next up

I have spent the last few weeks wondering on and off if putting these two in a room together would be a character design faux-pas for a thing I haven't even started working on yet (and it's possible, though unlikely, I never will).

I'm actually pretty proud of this one. A few of the ideas I've implemented for this (including this update's name!) have been my plans for months now. Glad to see it all come together.

Hope you enjoy experiencing this as much as I've enjoyed creating it.

Labor Day.

The Vega Route has begun actual development.

He's not in it.

I am never playing Enforcer ever again.

No, I do not know why anyone would do that to themselves. My mods aren’t interesting enough for challenge runs.

The new endings are really more of a "fancy game over" than anything super complicated, but I had the idea and felt like doing it.

This should be the last of the serious issues with the Vega Route. I'd at least hope it would be, anyways.
