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FNaS Oddities' pinned post is up!
I had a thought, if the shadow trio has a slightly different design from their originals, shouldn't shadow sonic reflect that?
So I updated the thumbnail so he matches the others.
Man who the fu-
Here's the old Clone Sonic jumpscare, yeah, the one that took me a week to make.
It's scrapped now. Simply because I'm not proud of it, and it kinda... looks awful in the latter half.
So yeah, making a new one.
oh my god.
that's 100 followers.
I didn't prepare for this.
Say, what would you guys like to see for the big hundred?
I think there was a miscommunication between art me and planning me when making this...
This is labelled as the Janitor's Closet everywhere but this one sign for context.
Not sure which to keep it as...
I'll be honest, I wasn't sure how to incorporate Nightmare Mimic or the Pawn Toads into the game.
But I just came up with these ideas for them and want some feedback from you guys!
Feel free to leave some suggestions if you think they could be improved.
Finished the extra characters from FNaS 2, and thus, it's cast is done! Which means that the Demo's roster is fully revealed!
See you all soon where we'll (hopefully) have some coding progress!
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