3 years ago

Addressing this for asexual but it can also be used for being gay, aromantic, etc.

You can't choose if you are asexual.


In a battle with a aphobic person, they said I either

A. read it in an article ( I didn't like it but I didn't even know other people felt that way too )

B. I did it because I probably have a "tiny 3 cm penis" ( I didn't even know how to, uh, you know I just hated the touchy-feely stuff. I know now and still am ace. )

C. Wanted to "go along with the trends" ( read my response to A )

Also, being ace or aromantic doesn't mean you're gay. People often get confused when I say I'm ace and straight. It's simple. I only like the opposite gender, but don't feel any sexual attraction to them.


Another thing is, being ace doesn't mean you don't think someone is pretty.



Next up

I'm so bored hhrghhgh

alright I think my train track asset is done, idk I might add some shading on the wood.

Happy Trans Day of Visibility!

We ❤️ all of our trans Jolters.

I feel inspired ima draw liam spaghetti art

2/5 stickers done!


I feel like there's something off with him

he's a bob-omb btw

Felt silly today (tags in article! Check these folks out!)


name a more iconic duo