Both killed people, Felt remourse in doing it, And then they got springlocked, And became killers again.
Idk anymore so uh take an image of Pizza Hut

Admit it's true tho
Both killed people, Felt remourse in doing it, And then they got springlocked, And became killers again.
Idk anymore so uh take an image of Pizza Hut
Fanmade AWWJ 1 teaser for no reason
Here have a teaser/promo poster
Version 1.1.0
What's going on in his head (Wrong answers only)
So i brightened up the teaser and i still don't know who that is, Who is it? Is it a soul?
This image was found in the Remains of the Cartoon Studios Warehouse after the Earthquake, It was found on November 1st.
FNaTAS 1A 2.0 is out! - Final goodbye to the advanced series!