After announcing I wasn't going to release anymore updates until the final release, a recent event had taken place where someone kindly showcased my mod and it feels appropriate to release the build shown even though it was in Beta. v.1.4 has released.
Next up
Instead of small updates, maybe devlogs instead. Here's one of the many voice lines of what the Reaper Nurse will possibly sound like with her laughter of cloaking.
After some demands. The Monkey Door will be making a return in the final release.
The mod might actually be close to fully being released, less than a week possibly, depending on ideas on what textures to replace with what. Quite excited. The gamejolt page has been updated possibly for the last time as a preview for the final release.
Devlog#3 | With not many ideas with what things to replace, I've reverted back to the main menu, small things but happy with the changes. Massive thank you to @SilentLizard for the screenshot in tutorial, would've been whack getting it in a public match.
Confident so far with how the development is going, have a little teaser trailer for gameplay and what's to come. Thank you everyone for the support, likes, follows and views on this silly little mod. <3
Devlog #2 | With Nikson's ultimate icon being a Nintendo Switch, there were textures to change his hacking screen, photos of the Eshop being taken down were gonna be used but scrapped. the reference is now Gift Cards 20 to 150 shards. As Eshop gift cards.
So the monke door was actually too ugly, monke got removed, an extremely small patch.
QuickDevlog#5 | These old textures were ugly. That's all.
A small collaboration I've been helping with on the side has been released to it's currently newest state 16/07/2022. It's a wonderful mod and a lot of effort put into it. <3 https://gamejolt.com/games/MMSB/674787