After some careful consideration, I've decided to put DT: Recreated on hold for a much better proposal. Do you remember some years ago back when this was called "The Lost Build?" A while ago, I found the original MFA for that era, and as I was scrolling through the game, it hit me.
Why am I scrapping that for a petty recreation? Afterall, I'm pretty happy with how Canon Dusttrust is going so far, so I shouldn't be working on this just to try to finish the game before they could.
DT: Recreated isn't going to be cancelled, do not worry. For now, just take a lovely preview for what I have in store for the official Lost Build reboot.

If you'd like to see where this goes, feel free to follow it here:
The page is still a huge W.I.P, only being created today as of writing this. Apologies to the people who wanted vanilla Pre-Leak to be finished, but I promise you that this is much better! DT: Recreated will be resumed eventually.