[You decide to browse through that Fazbear-store you were given access to, there are a lot of options, a fair few being locked, for some reason.]
[The options you have are:]

["NightBear" Prototype
Condition: Decent
Entertainment Value: 04
Health & Safety: 01
Risk: 02
Price: 150$]

[Early-'90s Bonnie
Condition: Okay
Entertainment Value: 06
Health & Safety: 01
Risk: 04
Price: 200$]

[Midnight Motorist arcade
Condition: Great
Entertainment Value: 08
Health & Safety: 01
Risk: 01
Price: 50$]

['80s Fazbear Claw Machine
Condition: Bad
Entertainment Value: 02
Health & Safety: 00
Risk: 01
Price: 20$]

[Skeeball Machine set
Condition: Okay
Entertainment Value: 07
Health & Safety: 01
Risk: 03
Price: 80$]

[Early-'80s Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place sign]
Condition: Terrible
Entertainment Value: 00
Health & Safety: 01
Risk: 00
Price: 40$]

['80s Fazbear Chair set
Condition: Okay
Entertainment Value: 00
Health & Safety: 04
Risk: 01
Price: 60$]