6 months ago

Aggie/Magma with @Syxusty @TK_Nova01 and @Shoomie

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Uhm gang, what is happening with @/Victoree

sm1 give me so context, I’m a oldgen on this site and I have no idea what is going on

Now you've irritated me A fraud be I you dare believe But it seems the lucky rabbit is now Soon to face her agony...

was drawin this shit till everyone left

ough its my spawnday agains #spawnday

2017x i drew,..,.,.

im crying... so petrifying...

I love magma art jams

i m so dead on here me thinks lmfao

So many souls to play with,

so little time to see

all the time I have with you’s just beginning wouldn’t you agree?

ALL agree

Dissonance is peak