I have written some scripts for myself to automate the creation of binary releases for the game. As a test I created releases for all the previous versions, note that they are still not playable, but you can run them and “walk around”.
I will be making GNU/Linux releases (both 32bit and 64bit) and Windows releases (32bit only), plus the usual nobinary release, which can be run anywhere that Love runs where I didn’t make a binary release (hint: MacOS). I hope this will increase the testing these early versions get, the bugtracker can be found when you follow the ‘game website’ link (you can also write a comment on the game page if you find a bug, I guess, but that’s less efficient).
They all should be available as soon as GJ finishes processing the files. They are also avaialbe on the games project site on Launchpad, I’ll also make a 0install version (to install them and do auto updates outside of GJ) in a few days.