I finally managed to get the map drawing working in a way that I understand, and that actually works! And collisions at the same time too! I’m still not done with the map stuff for this version so I didn’t merge the code to the main branch yet, but I can show you a screenshot…

That doesn’t look like much (the tiles are placeholders ofc), but it’s proof that I actually am going forward with this project :-). There’s also some small stuff done like smooth walking, better escape key handling, etc.
Just a note: version 0.2.0 (when it’s ready) is still not going to be playable yet. Though I’m predicting to make the development faster once I’m done with this lower level stuff like map drawing, interface, menus, etc. Love 2d is really nice for allowing a lot of development freedom, but on the other hand having to code all this manually is a chore.