Allright everyone. Here's a #sneakpeek of stuff I'm working on. Gotta push those #updates. #Game ain't gonna write itself apparently....
Next up
This year's #SteamAwards are having an interesting effect on #Vecter . (See Image): (1.) contains (2.) causes (3.) to turn into (4.)
Getting closer and closer. Here's what the new "barnding" looks like
Hello there! (General Kenobi?) @ddemkoo encouraged me to join and say hello, so HELLO THERE (General Kenobi?) - Sorry I'm broken I'm making a synthy-wavy-80-looking racer game thing as a hobby. Wach u guys think?
Upside-down... That is all...
33.5 hours to go ...
New news for y'all. Vecter will release from Early Access as a full title in the second half of September 2020. And, as promised, it will contain guns! FOR SHOOTING STUFF! ALL OF IT!
YO! Vecter's coming to EGX Rezzed 2020! If anyone here is attending, come and say hi! More details:…