1 year ago

Alpha 2 for The Weegee Virus has officially released for download! (Yes I know I'm late by 30-ish minutes to announce this, let me have this ok???)

Patch notes in article below! (Don't read if you want to not spoil yourself!)

-New Map: Krusty Krab

-Death Mode tweaks that'll make things either stupidly easy or horridly difficult

-Adjustments made to the Menu to account for the two maps

-Removed the best Easter egg in existence (I'm so sorry gumbo)

-Weegee tweaks, bug fixes, Pat? You want it? It's yours my friend, as long as you have enough rupees.

-Unrelated but the lore has started being written for Weegee Virus before Alpha 2 beta testing.

-By the way the purple Weegee in Death Mode is named Walu I just wanted you all to know that

-Have fun playing The Weegee Virus Alpha 2!



Next up

Alright sorry I want to post this on the actual page and not the one I made, like what I said, watch out for him coming in one of the alphas.

nfts got me like

This has nothing to really do with anything ingame, but here's a fun little Walu gif for all your Walu needs!

"There I am Gary, there I am!"

Follow @The_Bendix_Team I'm in it so it's automatically awesome

Edit: oh yeah and it's also a game dev team so expect some stuff at some point in time

oo a eeh o uerhfh uvhbvjihfuierfheruifhifguhgjkfdghgio


I've started a Sanic Friday Night Funkin' mod project, and I am currently looking for artists for the mod! Here's a little snippet of what the moosic is like!! (No pay btw and apply in comments if u want (also plz show example of art ig)

raldi's crackhouse makes me feel like i've ingested 15 pounds of pure meth

10/10 best game/mod ever

Alpha 2 is now officially being tested.

Be ready, for it'll be coming soon for everyone else in due time.

modding rockclones is fun