repeater: shoots 2 peas and he's upset about somethin
slap leaf: has the greatest name in pvz fangame history and also slaps zombies in his 3x3 radius range
pole vaulting zombie: jumps over a plant and doesn't destroy your plant when doing that while leaving his pole, screw you dd and 8 bit's pole vaulting!!
middle manager zombie: he uses twitter... and also spawns zombies in random lanes every few seconds, these zombies could be basic, conehead and buckethead zombie and the stronger the zombie, the rarer it is for it to be spawned by him
pine needler: sun cost increase (150 > 200)
screendoor zombie speed increase (100% of a basic zombie speed > 150%)
improving the ui and the visual of the game
added pause button and turbo button
fixing a ton and i mean A TON of bugs
final notes:
sry for this update for being so small comparing to how long it took, since most of us in the team are minors we had schools and other stuff so we were very busy for a lot of time and also something trying awful happened to me irl and made me very depressed, thankfully i am better, if nothing goes wrong, this game's next update should be a lot bigger and hopefully we all can have a game to satisfy you all, have fun!! :D