Corgi Stack 3D

6 years ago

Alpha build and Source Code released!

A lot of work has gone into improving performance, shadows, and cameras for the game. At this point, it is ready for testing. If you’d like to test the alpha build, please let me know and I’ll give you access to the private package, or check out the releases page on GitHub.

If you’d like to contribute, please feel free to clone the repository and submit a pull request. The game is built in Godot v3.0.6.

Thank you for reading!



Next up

yearly cat meme #4

yearly cat meme #5

yearly cat meme #1

yearly cat meme #6

target located


The game is still being developed, slowly. Let me know if you'd like to pitch in.

sacrifice the rocks

Level Selector, Improved Performance, Better Camera, and New Build!

yearly cat meme #7