One time people were playing tag and I thought to myself:
Heh. Nice.
so I joined them and eventually I was “it” and I couldn’t catch anyone! I got so frustrated that I LEAPED AT SOMEONE AND KNOCKED THEM DOWN. A recess aid (a teacher who patrols the playground) caught me and told me to do this:
And the funny thing was that I DIDNT KNOW WHERE THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE WAS! I literally had to ask her to take me there. IT WAS SOOOOOO EMBARRASSING!!
Imagine this, you are in the playground in first grade and you’re just walking around thinking:
This’ll be a good day!
Then all of a sudden you see a kid asking the recess aid to take him to the principal and then you see a kid on the floor!
You would be like
So again,
Never gonna give you up my meme fam!