Time and time again, My productivity comes to a near, if not complete halt. This is partly due to the disorganized lifestyle I live, and general chaos as the world around me keeps collapsing. It's times like these I start taking things seriously, and making a post such as this one every once in a while.
As a company (unofficial, of course), UltraGearGames has not been exactly doing good. It's been years on end now, with only very barebones collaborations or partnerships. Help is essential in making something as incredibly complex as a videogame of a minimum standard I've set for myself with my past work in terms of polish.
This is not to say it is impossible to do so alone, but it is very challenging, and a lot of patience and care is required. I am rarely able to achieve this.
As for releases, I shall not even talk about this. I get so few games made this past 1.5 years, compared to the 1.5 years prior. And if and when I do get a release, it usually never makes it past its first update. I no longer know how to deal with my incompetence.
What's been happening
Not much, actually. I've as you may have noticed decided to try and make a game the size of a GTA game. What a joke! Unfortunately, I've already gathered a small following, so it is very difficult for me to just cancel development. Especially since I do this so often, publicly or not.
There was meant to be an UltraGearGames Hub, which was coming along really well, I was very much motivated, but of course, as luck would have it, Unity deleted my whole Assets folder. In other words, the entire project. Without the chance of recovery.
Issues Behind The Scenes
Currently, I still remain a solo developer. I would like to change this, but despite decent efforts, I have not yet succeeded. Unfortunately, due to this, I've found myself to be in a position where I struggle to make even an alpha of a game. My only and last completed game was made soon-to-be 3 years ago. I tried taking numerous pieces of advice, actively seeking help and tips on how to stick to an idea, or be productive regarding game development, however, I still keep taking on challenges that teams of hundreds of talented people with years of experience in the field tackle for years on end.
I am soon to be releasing the UltraGearGames Rewind 2021, however, I tragically don't have much to show. I struggle to keep up my social media, relationships with friends, my performance at school afloat, look for a part-time job, and make games at the same time.
The Future
I don't have any plans yet, however, I do plan on hopefully trying to make my career a little more organized. Organized, and hopefully with a properly tamed scope of projects. I am stuck in a loop of working on something, liking a different idea, jumping ship to it, working for a while, thinking about another one, jumping ship over there, and so on. Perhaps game development isn't for me, but in the meantime, it's a hobby I like doing. Unfortunately, not that much for the fun, but rather to let others have fun. Unfortunately, when a game gets 60 views and 10 downloads after tens of hours of blood, sweat and tears poured into a project, it's very demotivating.
I feel as though I often disappoint many of you, or all of you who actually like and enjoy the little content I pump out. I constantly keep finding myself unable to decide what to do next, resulting in an infinite loop of procrastination.
I need to assemble a team, even one person is enough. If you know anyone who can 3D model, make 2D art, or produce audio-related content, please let me know. I am offering a, for now, small, however still financial reward. Thank you for your time.