One Night at Flumpty's +
7 months ago

Alright, let's talk ONaF plus

Hey guys, it's Workday! ONaF plus talk time!

Three times now this page has been hijacked by ex-team members claiming that the game was cancelled, so let me give a more or less official update to the game.

Yes, it is true that this game has been placed on the back burner, and progress is stagnant. This is because we are focusing on the development of ONaF: MM and work for the OWaF: Night 6 Concept dev commentary. However, under NO circumstance does this even remotely imply the game's cancellation. Much like ONaF 4: Phantom Hell, lack of progress is not indicative of the game being gone forever.

I'm doing my best to remove any hateful or misleading information about the game here, but let this serve as the official statement that while the game isn't being actively worked on, no it is not cancelled.

I hope this clears things up a bit, thanks to all you yolks for your patience and understanding!




Next up

Some more before/after showbases because I’m personally pretty proud of my growth as an artist over the years!

I’ve showcased Champ and Chump’s designs here, so here’s a pose for Eyesaur! (With some extra lighting magic done by the wonderful @Pake_Official ) everybody say thank you Pake


(Lighting on Champ will be changed dw)

Alright doing this again!

My apologies, an ex-team-member once AGAIN made a fake post here about the game being cancelled. As you can clearly see from this screenshot, dated minutes ago today, the game is NOT cancelled and any news otherwise in untrue!

Full office reveal!

The grass is dead

The evolution of my Eyesaur drawing (2022/2024)

It is my pleasure to announce that the ONaF concept team has begun production of a Night IV Concept fangame! Teaser attached!

Something something lack of news blah blah blah, here!

kinda been in dead air mode for a while, sorry about that, but rest assured the game’s development is still going swimmingly!

Hello ;) New Teaser for ONaF + Coming soon! Stay tuned!

“The ONaF gamedevs could never be looksmaxxing sigmas on their mewing grindset”

Me, an intellectual: