5 months ago

Alright this is time to talk about @Bit-Hell 's controversy

As "Expelled"

From 2022-2024, Brandon pretended to be a German man named "Noah Nott Bryant" (more well known as "Expelled" ), Brandon would cause several controversies under the Expelled persona.

Nicchi accusations

Around December 2022, a Game Jolt user named "Pau_Adventurer" would start a rumor that "Expelled" is just Nicchi in disguise, this rumor would begin to spread to other people after Kazovsky would make a Game Jolt post telling people that Expelled is Nicchi Brandon would later make a now deleted post responding to the Nicchi accusations, debunking them.

Racism allegations

Between December 2022 and January 2023, screenshots from EMPS of "Expelled" saying the n-word would be leaked He would try to defend himself by saying that "he was drunk"

He would later make a post on August 3, 2023 defending himself by saying that he said the n-word because he has mild schizophrenia, ODD, and OCD



Next up

Me enjoy watching all of best youtuber's video:

Freddy fazbear smoking

Fnac news, emil uploaded video and watch video now


News regarding the development. Indefinite Delay - True classic for a FNAF Fan Game right?

Gift for @Th3_Atomic_Official [but rest in peace] I make gift for you I love all of your best video game, some nights at joe's series and we are miss you

Thank you atomic

After 4 months, my retrospective and (way) over-analysis of the Five Nights at Treasure Island series is OUT NOW!!


Five nights at candy's movies be like:


Rest in peace awni eldous we are miss you and Allah bless you

Rest in peace awni eldous