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3 More Days!!
5 days left!
Coming the 25th of this month!
2 More days
1 MORE DAY!!! Now the game is coming out at 12 pm Eastern Time!
Alright, so i gotta talk about this.
THIS GAME ISN'T DEAD OK! Look, as a game dev you get tired of game deving cuz it's hard and such. Sense it's summer break I took a break. Which I guess it's on me for not telling you.
I'm gonna start deving now, ok.
Message (Part Final) Thank you for your time, enjoy this imagine in the mean time. (Sorry about the whole thing being in parts, but Gamejolt has a character limit... why...) ANWYAY BYE, ENJOY YOUR DAY!
4 more days!
So I don't like, be active... uh, I'm lazy -_- Sorry lol Uhhh, enjoy this art I made of GXM
Man it would be cool of this gets in the gallery *wink*
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