I am currently living with my brother, my two grandparents and the almost 8 cats in the household here. My parents are living in a resort hotel 40 minutes away and my actual house is condemned. I will likely not be as active as I'd like to be but I will try to post as often as I must. My actual house is condemned as I had stated earlier, but it's a 134 year old house and it is sinking into the ground thanks to the hundreds of gopher and groundhog holes under the stupid place. The house will likely get bulldozed anyways. It's not a super important building either. This entire scenario will be playing out for about 2 months if not more. We will likely just have to buy a new plot of land elsewhere or a new house and hope that we get spared here. I am trying to keep myself together the best I can, so if I do get a little frustrated easily, here's why. Things have been going downhill since November, when we moved out of the currently condemned house to live in 4 apartments before living in my grandparents house. I will likely have a few emotional breakdowns so, if you get the receiving end of one... sorry in advance O-O". I will try to be the best I can during these times of coarse! Being harsh is only going to make oneself more hated anyways. I wish you guys the best you can be!
Sincerely with lots of Gratitude,
Hikashi Akuto