Ultimate Freddy Night
3 years ago

Also Bug Fix Soon With Revamped stuff like Helpy will be Recoded because I don't like how he is coded right now.



Next up

Sneak Peek | WIP | Animatronic Type: VR Withered Freddy

Sorry for the audio bug with VR W. Freddy its fixed now after the recording.

Been working on this for awhile.

(Read the article)

Gameplay + Jumpscares basically what i have so far

(suggestions are open as long as it fits in the game)

(also suggestions for character mechanics are open)

Why are the Demos gone?

FMN Remastered Office Render WIP

(Rate it if you want but its not done!)(Also Read Article)

VR Withered Freddy Is Now In Progress!

His Icon For The Selection Menu

Nightmare Foxy is finished moving on to the next Nightmare

R. Freddy's New Jumpscare

Poll is finished here are the results

Why do these effects look like something used in VHS or Horror Pics or Vids...