For those wanting more info about my progress on stuff. I'm working on testing out the save features as I'm hoping save files to work with the optimizations I'm making for them [such as not saving empty tiles and adding new objects to the shop].
Nights are gonna be my primary work around now as many people complained about how boring they were (either being too long [taken care of, made them shorter], no other enemies besides Endos, or just didn't like the concept). I have a whole bunch of ideas that I wanna try out (I have an enemy type I actually have almost finished that's based on either risk/reputation and if you have it placed in your pizzeria), plus maybe more than just enemies? Idk, still workshopping
The Main Menu and some other stuff isn't redone yet, but I wanted to reassure people that have played it before and wanting to share other endless tycoon builds to friends or people online, I do hear you and I already made it so that endless builds DO SAVE and am hoping to implement the feature where you can open them and send them to others.
I've been working on the past month or so to make this game so much more user-friendly, way less clunky, and more fun for people (especially for the pizzeria builder fans, gotta try my best for the tower defense fans). I'm really appreciative of the support for the game recently and I'm gonna try my best to make the game/Demo 2 as good as possible for Demo 1 users and newcomers.