mimics are getting fully revamped as per request of their original creator (@/Bonnie_fivenight) as she doesn’t to associate with them anymore for reasons .
ALL mimic characters (red, blue, etc) will be getting redesigns along with revamped lore and semi-new personalities .
heres their revamped lore so far:
elder mimics are spawned from strawie’s fears, and usually resemble the strawie they originate from. from there elder mimics spawn the regular mimics. they usually travel in packs (also known as phobias), with elder mimics being leaders and usually their first or second spawned being a “deputy” of sorts
mimics don’t actively hunt strawies surprisingly, they only really feast on their fear. but if push comes to shove, a mimic WILL try to eat a strawie, and then try to mimic them after. a mimic can also try to pretend to be an already existing strawie without killing/eating them…
red’s revamped lore is that he’s the deputy of his phobia . very favoured by his elder due to them basically being mother and son, while also being one of the smartest ones (actually had the courage to TRY and mimic an actual strawie). his personality will most likely stay the same, although being a bit more “loose” than his original. his relationship with x anon and angel will probably stay the same aswell
blue’s revamped lore is gonna be that they’re the “runt” of their phobia, being picked on by their other mimic peers. “thankfully”, red decided to pick them up off the road like a small sad cat. he probably regrets it now, though.. blue’s personality will most likely stay the same aswell, along with working entirely on cartoon physics
there’s also a big chance i’ll have to change their names to something different if bonnie requests me to. so i’m just using red and blue for now until i get confirmation to keep or change the names
just a reminder! all of this is subject to change! this is just stuff i came up with and still has to be brought to the original creator and checked if it’s good!!!
okay anyway buh-bye