Hey there! You're probably wondering "What is this?", and I will explain that now!
This is a series that will attempt to fix my and other people's problems with most of the official FNaF games! This can range from graphics, to gameplay to lore! This series was inspired by FreddyPopCollector's "Fixing FNaF" series, which has a similar concept.
These posts will be devided into 4 categories. UI, Gameplay, Lore, Misc Changes. The names for each one should explain what they are well enough, so without further ado, let's begin!
1) UI
The UI for the game would change drastically. I have created multiple mockup images to show how the UI would look like!

First of all, we have the main menu. (I'll explain the 4 stars and the extras later!) The game would use a completely new font, and the menu would also have a unique gimmick. Every time you opened up the game, the menu's background would change to a random camera render with at least 1 animatronic on it. Other than that, there's not much else in the menu.

Here are the new night screens! Each one shows one of the new characters that activates every night, with the one for the first night being Bonnie.
Other than that, the UI pretty much remains the same except for font changes. Let's move onto the gameplay!
2) Gameplay
There are lots of gameplay changes. Let's see the characters!

BONNIE: Activates on night 1. He will try to get in through your left door. If you see him there, close the door until he leaves. On night 5 and night 6 he will gain the ability to go to the right door too.

CHICA: Activates on night 1. She will go to the right door. If you see her there, close the door. On nights 5 and 6 she will gain the ability to go to the left door too. She may speed up other characters due to the loud sounds she makes while being inside of the kitchen.

FOXY: Activates on night 2. He will always be in Pirate's cove, the only camera with a special button that lets you do a flash bang in that room. If Foxy is about to get out of the cove, use the flash bang. Don't use it too many times, as it will waste power. If Foxy gets out, watch him sprint down the left hallway then close the door. There is a chance that he will either bang on the door and take away 20% power or break the window and get in.

FREDDY: Activates on night 3. Watch him on the cameras to slow him down, however, don't watch him too much as he will get VERY aggresive, unforgiving and angry if you do. If he gets to the right hallway's corner, be FAST and pay attention to the color of his eyes. If his eyes are small, white pupils then close the door. If his eyes are glowing red then stare at him on the camera until he stops twitching, which will make him go back to the dining room. On nights 5 and 6 he will gain the ability to go to the left hallway too.

ENDO-01: If he stars looking at the camera, that means he will attack shortly. Listen to the metal clanking he makes, as you will know what door to close due to the audio being directional.

GOLDEN FREDDY: Will appear on night 5, however, he has a chance to appear on previous nights too. If he appears in your office, simply pull up the cams, as he will give you very little time to react. His jumpscare sends you back to the warning screen.
And those are all of the characters! There is one extra feature that allows you to shut off the power, which will give you back 20% power if you wait the entire sequence. Animatronics can still move during the sequence, so be careful!
3) Lore
Most of the lore will remain the same, however, phone guy would mention that the current year is 1993, and the jumpscare sound from the night 4 call would be changed to the original one. One last change that I would make to the lore is that the newspapers about William getting sent to jail would be completely removed.
4) Misc. Changes

First of all, Extras! You know what an extras menu is, so I don't think I need to explain anything here.
Another change that I would make is that Freddy would slowly start twitching as the power-out music box goes on. Near the end of the song, Freddy will start twitching heavily before the room goes completely dark and he kills you.
And, one last thing, Custom Night challenges! Beating all of them would give you the 3rd star. The max mode would give you the 4th one.
-Main CrewFreddy: 20
Bonnie: 20
Chica: 20
-The OthersFoxy: 20
Endo-01: 20
Golden Freddy: 20
-Cupcake ChallengeFreddy: 5
Bonnie: 5
Chica: 5
Foxy: 5
Golden Freddy: 5
Endo-01: 5
-Freddy's CircusFreddy: 10
Bonnie: 10
Chica: 10
Foxy: 10
Endo-01: 10
Golden Freddy: 10
And then there's the max mode, which is called Golden Freddy. Every custom night challenge, including Golden Freddy, gives you a plush on the desk. They'd look like the ones from the FNaF 1 mobile port.
Also, if Bonnie or Chica get inside of the office, the door buttons would still work, however their kill timer would jump to 0 if you tried to use them. Pretty much, they'd kill you instantly. Normally, they would kill you after like 3 seconds.
Upon reaching the death screen, a voiceline would play depending on what character killed you and a tip would show up, just so you can understand the mechanic more clearly.
Freddy's Voicelines:-Looks like someone wasn't ready for Freddy.
-Out of my way.
-The others are afraid of me.
-This suit is perfect for you.
-[*Music Box*]
Bonnie's Voicelines:-The doors can't stop me now.
-You never paid attention.
-I made sure that I entered at the right moment.
Chica's Voicelines:-[*Kitchen Sounds*]
-Have you seen Mr. Cupcake?
-You sure do love that suit!
Foxy's Voicelines:-[*Singing*]
-I've gotcha now!
-I may be out of order, but I can run just fine.
Endo's Voicelines:-[*Metal Clanking*]
Golden Freddy's Voicelines:-[*Laugh*]
After getting all 4 stars and clicking on the 4th one, text would appear on the screen saying '1987' before the game would close after almost a second.

Well, that is about it! Thank you for reading, and I hope you're excited for FNaF 2!
Until then...