This is an amalgamation of many versions I've come up with of my character Diff. Here's the list:
1. Prime Diff
2. Diffhydrated
3. Diffpressed
4. Sunshine Diffipops
5. Hyperdiffmentation
6. Amaldiffation
7. Party Trick Diff
8. Doof Diff
9. Mashed Diffatoes
10. "Speak into my good ear" Diff
11. Difftank
12. Diffy
13. Plushie Diff
14. Hellborn Baby Diff
15. Waffliff
16. Mind Control Diff
17. Left-hand-drawn Diff
18. Yolk Diff
19. Melting Diff-scream (idea by @baharkolahi )
20. Diffsect
21. Toppy
22. Abstract Diff
23. Diffcake
24. Davey
25. Den & Dimpy (idea by @Inferno_i_guess )
26. Diffygon
27. Teaff
28. 0th Diffmension
29. Ruffer Dose (idea by @Chezmigee )
30. Sdiffleton (idea by @Zacko_W )
31. Cliff
32. Fisherman Diff (idea by @Toasty1244 )
33. Stiff
34. Cronendiff
35. Atom Diff
36. St. David
37. Squiffrel
38. Diffxel
39. Diffshooter
40. Worm Diff
41. Fly Diff
42. Diffteria
43. Fetal Alcohol Baby Diffdrome
44. Infant Diff
45. Diffcraft
Credits to @bixqa for giving feedback on 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 20, 29, 43
This took a lot of time, but it was worth it in the end. Hope you guys enjoy this piece!