An idea for a sonic fangame:
A (side scroller) game with random generated levels similar to sonic 1 random generated project ( )
When player get hurt, it loses only maximum 10 rings.
that allows before playing the set:
· Allowing custom character in addition to Sonic
Custom character is design by the player include its appearance traits and abilities, similarity to Avatar from Sonic Forces. Each custom character has a specific file that the player creates and required for using it like Sonic World fangame (Idea borrowed from this link )
· Level layout, size and optional time limit
· Optional boss at the end of the level (Maybe optional custom boss)
· Level theme (e.g. zones from sonic 1, 2, 3&K, Mania, 3D in 2D fangame, Sonic BTS, fangame, Sonic ATS fangme, Sonic Time Twisted fangame and etc.), included the part of the day (morning, noon, afternoon, evening, night), weather.
· Each level theme beside a vanilla green hill theme has a specific file that the player creates and required for using it like Sonic World fangame (Idea borrowed from this link
· Items option (e.g. Sonic 2, Sonic 3&K, Sonic Mania, Sonic Time Twisted fangame)
· Available Missions
e.g. Normal Run, Destructor, Ring Collector, Treasure Hunter, Gold Pursue, Stealth, Confetti Parade, Perfect Run
(e.g. Borrowed from this link:
e.g. Vandal, Sidekick ( e.g. Borrowed from this link: )
Why ? creating a fan game that allow players to replay the game (sonic) many times