1 year ago

an idea i think hasn't been explored in exe shit yet is tails actually being a little interested in all those animal corpses clogging up the green hills

like yeah the average 8 year old would be pretty spooked if he walked to the park and all the birds were fucking gutted but tails ain't a normal kid

this little man is a science first kinda guy and you gotta imagine what he'd be thinking


there's no way an ANIMAL could be doing this shit

and nobody on this unnamed planet could possibly care enough to do all this

for all he knows there's some oddball going around attacking woodland critters for some reason

if he could follow the blood trail to the fucker responsible he could stop this from happening again

and boom, now you have a motive for tails to be willingly walking himself into inevitable blue death



Next up

dandy dead or alive is mine

my formal apologies to the #scarlettispregnant club but I can't find whatever post started this feud but what i can find is victree unironically hitting the im literally neurodivergent and a minor

"ay bruh you good?" me asf randomly getting sick as hell:

Vs exe idle sprite remake because its a bit dated https://www.mediafire.com/file/n0acqr305fv64w7/EXEIDLEANIMPARTS.… Heres the parts incase you want to animate the idle!!!

putting this here for later

Cold so cold


i now have a YT channel

check out my first admittedly lackluster video


happy 2nd, slice spire


Dont trust in a faker

Right? :)