4 years ago

An issue that shouldn't have ever happened.

Quick disclaimer, please do not witch hunt any individuals here. I do not want this situation to become even worse. I censored everyone's names to further prevent this.

Today, I got hit with minor drama surrounding my character, Georgiger.

Basically, a guy who I will not mention by name due to privacy reasons, was in the server of another individual who you may know for making Jolly: BeeCurse.

Basically, that first guy began talking shit about Georgiger's, the game, saying that the game is just Jollibee's but with George, and that the titular character is just George in Jollibee's body. BULLSHIT!

First off, Georgiger's model was made in December of 2020, a few weeks before Curse of Mikhail came out, which still used the old models. The models were pretty bad in that time compared to now.

Second off, I have worked hard on Georgiger's for months. I do not want to have all that work tossed down the drain just because the fucking main robot in it looks "unoriginal".

You can tell in the images above that I was pretty pissed off over this. I was basically trying to prevent Georgiger's from going to waste.

So yeah, I hope you understand. I went and left the server this all happened in so I won't deal with this anymore, and I apologise for any inconvenience caused by this issue.



Next up

It's all happening!

Man, do I love my fanbase.


Random meme

Holy shit!

Thank you!

Guy includes incorrect answer while asking me a question.

Learninghorrors 2016 version 2.0 coming today!

When Dawko refers to a Glamrock character as "Rockstar".

Learninghorrors 2017 is being made!