April is going to be the month, where Bioluminal is going to see a large change. Here's what to expect. Read to the end for a surprise.
New items - New items for gameplay, all with their own scripts and mechanics
New animations - New animations will be used for gameplay and ambience, but note that some may not work as expected
New sounds - New sounds for ambience and events
New music - New music and some reworked music
Optimization - Optimization for different devices that may not run the game as well
Settings - Settings so users can change the game to their preferences
Bug fixes - Lots of bug fixes
Pause menu - A pause menu
Now for the trailer and 0.4. 0.4 is planned to release in April, same goes for the trailer. The trailer will be a gameplay trailer showing new features. 0.4 will likely release a few days after the trailer. The trailer will likely be more than a minute long, if not close to a minute.
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