The game didn't get too far in development; I decided working on Never See You Again was more important than this short fangame, silly me. But alas, the story would've vastly recontextualized the "prophecy" and the character of the Torture Device heavily. It's technically just one of those "its so ridiculous its cool" moments I had, of course, I'm not saying it isn't, but it was just way to time-consuming for me when I could do other stuff than it.
The story takes inspiration from HP Lovecraft's works, as one would've expected, in a lame attempt to tie cosmic horror into this infamous fangame series in order to do things that has never been done before.
… yeah that's one of the reasons I never finished it, I cannot, for the life of me, find a way to make a story that feels short, self-contained, but give the Lovecraftian themes justice. So I decided it wasn't worth the time making and scrapped it early on.

(The dimension when Carson closes his eyes; revealing an H.R. Giger inspired setting that was the main 'habitat' of the Torture Device's true species)

(The room you were locked in, two versions of it exists: New (top), Old (Bottom))

(Carson holding a Ruger MkII as one of the planned mechanics)
And that's all that was ever done for the game, there was a small segment programmed, but I'm too lazy to find the MFA file. I felt like sharing this because I thought it'd be interesting enough to share lmao.
Regardless, goodbye, for now.
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