@WisdomTheFunkyBoi - Wanderer
@DaRealMemeCentralLol - Windows
@YallBoyAlexFromAlex - Clump
@TaeYai - Hound
@NonsenseNH - Duller
@Tongkui - Jerry
@Adonis_Stickman - Skin-Stealer
@TheMurzik120k - Burster
@MinionAppleBanana - Dunk
@Undying3215 - Transporter
@Mr_Mysterious - Reviook
@crashy_bamby - Wretch
@Egor_The_Electric_Human1991 - Nguithr'xurhs
@Emmalar - Crawler
@aflacc - The Gentleman of Level 5
@tooyo1234 - The Disease
@Frank_thy_Flower - Hook Head
SMGOo942 - Warning Kite
@Da_Treino - Unapproachable Horse
@Bijipler - Death Rat
@Kasandryx - Plague Goblin
@Sarophi - Samatha
@SSO - Athenian Duck
@WitherGaming2022 - The Denizen
@Xander2907 - Blub Cat
@PurpleGemstoneW - Mother
@quandile - Camo Crawler
@cs888901 - Animation
@Thevancefromthefuture502 - The King
Various GJ Users - Other Backroooms Entities
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